Monday, July 31, 2017

Skirting the Issue 2017

It has been another busy July.  What with Scout camp, Cub camp, and family camping two weeks in a row, I didn't think I'd have time to participate in Skirting the Issue, Simple Simon's annual project collecting handmade skirts, quilts, and pillowcases for foster children.  But today, on the last day of July, birthday of one of the more famous fictional foster children in the world, Harry Potter, I made some time.  Between laundry and plum processing, I whipped out a pillowcase. 
Last time I participated, I was lucky enough to receive a prize package containing one-yard samples of Simple Simon's first fabric line, Four Corners.  So it seemed appropriate to use some of that fabric for this pillowcase.  I love the overlapping circles.
I also used them to bind this baby blanket, made of the large Southwestern focus print.  It reminds me of visiting my grandparents in New Mexico.
 I used the arrows print to make myself a shirt.  One yard of this snazzy fabric was not quite sufficient for the pattern I had in mind, so I added some white cloth that I had on hand. 
It ended up forming my initial, T, on the back.  Shall I claim it as a signature look?

It has been fun to sew with these fabrics.  I've yet to use the pattern that came with them, but I think it's going to be a Christmas present this year.  Thanks, ladies!